We are neighbors helping neighbors who want to continue living safely and independently in their Wintergreen homes
Contact Us
Here To Stay in Wintergreen
PO Box 138
Nellysford, VA 22958
General Inquiries
Here to Stay in Wintergreen has office space in Tuckahoe Clubhouse.
Social Committee
Mary Jo Russell
Caregivers Group
Gordon Walker
Mary Gurr
Linda Harrington
Vice President
Tim Ketchmark
Laurie Keenan
Jeff Goebel
Members at Large
Mary Gilliland
Robert Kemp
Tim Ketchmark
Dr. Tinsley Rucker
Gordon Walker
Here to Stay in Wintergreen is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Now over 50-years-old, Wintergreen very much remains a vibrant “resort community.” It has also evolved, however, to include what is called a neighbor-based “naturally occurring retirement community” (NORC). This is both an opportunity and a challenge for Wintergreen.
There are many who live on the mountain and in Stoney Creek aging in place. Some are not missing a half-step after having marked off decades of birthdays. Others are “doing great,” but will admit to feeling the effect of the added years. And others have found that the years have brought changes that might be labeled “lifetime events.”
Almost all of them, however, have had days when they needed some help as never before. And they all realize they could someday require special assistance. It might be for only a few days or so, or several weeks. Or longer.
“Does requiring assistance require not being at home?” This is a question being asked in Wintergreen and throughout the nation. Are there other options?
After having carefully studied the work done in other communities, it became clear there are ways our Wintergreen community can organize itself to make aging in place more practical for more of our neighbors.
Here to Stay in Wintergreen cannot be all things to everyone here facing the challenges of growing older. But our group can develop more options for more people who are aging in place at Wintergreen.
HSW determines what programs and services are needed by listening to its members. It then works to find, organize, and empower good people and worthwhile organizations that can effectively offer the assistance that is needed.
Here to Stay in Wintergreen is depending on volunteers. Neighbors volunteering to help neighbors is nothing new at Wintergreen. Our focus is on finding ways to make volunteering easier, safer, fun, and effective.
Anyone can find a way to become involved with Here to Stay in Wintergreen, but those here who volunteer make up the core group that is working with us to develop more options for our members.
Our members, volunteers, cooperators, supporters, and resource providers are involved because they understand how a focused group of thoughtful people can make a big difference by coming together to address the concerns and interests they share.
Yes, volunteering and supporting may be seen as a reciprocal relationship–many volunteers say they see themselves as someday becoming members needing services. Many volunteers are also supporters or members. The empathy at work here is real.
That said, even those who live here who never come to use the services of Here to Stay in Wintergreen will have benefited from what the neighbors are striving to create and maintain.
Everyone living here can enjoy a stronger sense of security knowing their community has organized to make living at Wintergreen more practical for more people.
It’s a cliché, but it’s true: Many small efforts, combined, can have a big impact.